Further Study

New Mexico

  • Governor’s Summit on Economic Development. 2008. 3G’s: Green, Gold and Global — New Mexico’s Competive Edge. COUNTY PROFILES.
  • State Land Office. Agricultural leases.
  • State Trust Lands by Jon Souder and Sally Fairfax. 1996. University of Kansas Press.
  • New Mexico Department of Agriculture, http://nmdaweb.nmsu.edu
  • Pamela Roy, NM Food & Agriculture Policy Council. NMfoodagpolicy@farmtotable.info 
  • Mid-Region Council of Governments
  • National Association of Counties. http://www.nmcounties.org

NM Agrifood State Laws

  • The “Status” of bills and their funding are now included with each bill number.  House of Representatives: (505) 986-4751. Senate Information: (505) 986-4714. Find a bill and legislator info:  http:/legis.state.nm.us/lcs/
  • New Mexico Agricultural Market Development Act of 1979 – Legally defines the responsibilities and limitations of the New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA) for assisting in the development and expansion of markets for New Mexico farm and ranch products.
  • New Mexico Produce Marketing Act – Promotes the development of the produce industry in the state by ensuring fair practices throughout all marketing channels (from receiving through sales).  The Act also authorizes NMDA to issue the proper licensing and bonding of produce brokers, packers, and wholesalers.
  • New Mexico Commodity Commission Act – Defines the process of determining the need or demand for the creation of a new commodity commission and sets forth the operational guidelines once a commission is formed.  The state director of agriculture is responsible for ensuring each commission operates within the guidelines of the Act.
  • New Mexico Specialty Crops Act – Enables NMDA to develop and expand markets for high-value agricultural products (specialty crops) both domestically and internationally. 

National and Global

  • Food Fight: The 2007 Farm Bill, by Dan Imhoff
  • National Conference of Legislatures. Standing Committee and task Forces. Agriculture and Energy. Animal Identification; Beginner Farm Program; Crop Insurance; Farm Credit Institutions; Horse Industry; Interstate Sale of State-Inspected Meat and Poultry Markerting and Mergers; National Agriculture Policy; National Calcium Initiative; Rural Policy; Support State Regulation of Agriculture; Biotechnology.
  • Natural resources and Conservation Service. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov
  • USDA.
  • US Customs and Border Protection. http://www.cbp.gov/Search by New Mexico (US trade programs, Mexico, Importers, Exporters)
  • Paying the Piper: Subsidies, Politics and the Environment By David Roodman. 1996. Worldwatch Paper 133.
  • Corporate Power in Global Agrifood Governance edited by Jennifer Clapp and Doris Fuchs. 2009 • 309 pg • MIT Press
  • Fact Sheet: Agricultural District Programs. American Farmland Trust. Farmland Information Center. www.farmlandinfo.org
  • Grow Montana. www.growmontana.ncat.org
  • Environmental Working Group. www.ewg.org